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In previous research, the Unit for Social & Community Psychiatry developed an intervention called “DIALOG+” designed for patients with schizophrenia. The DIALOG+ helps to structure the conversations about different issues affecting patients’ quality of life. DIALOG+ involves mental health staff using a tablet computer to ask service users about their satisfaction with different areas of their life (accommodation, leisure activities, physical and mental health, medication, etc).  Service users and staff then work together to find solutions to concerns that are raised using a 4-step process based on the principles of something called ‘solution-focused therapy’.

This process is repeated during clinical appointments over several months.

After using DIALOG+, service users with schizophrenia were more satisfied with life and had fewer symptoms (. Patients and staff found the approach helpful and it saved the NHS money.

The video below is a visual guide on how DIALOG and DIALOG+ can help support recovery from a mental health illness, from a service user perspective (Serbian subtitles available): 

DIALOG and DIALOG+ are explained by Professor Stefan Priebe in a video of about 22 minutes (Serbian subtitles available):



The DIALOG+ app is available to be downloaded for Android devices and Apple iPads.

(The app is currently not available on iPhones).

For more information please visit the DIALOG+ website (containing all relevant DIALOG+ resources in English).


DIALOG+ Training Materials in Southeast European Languages

  • DIALOG+ Manual

DIALOG+ Manual 2020_Albanian (11.01.2021) [PDF 1,001KB]

DIALOG+ Manual_Bosnian(11.12.2020) [PDF 625KB]

DIALOG+ Manual_Macedonian(23.11.2020) [PDF 719KB]

DIALOG+ Manual_Montenegro(12.11.20) [PDF 626KB]

DIALOG+ Manual_Serbia(11.11.2020) [PDF 557KB]

  • Clinician's DIALOG+ Starter Pack

Clinicians pack_ALB [PDF 986KB]

Clinicians pack_BiH [PDF 1,291KB]

Clinicians pack_MKD [PDF 1,276KB]

Clinicians pack_MNE [PDF 1,411KB]

Clinicians pack_SRB [PDF 1,431KB]


DIALOG+ Contact Person:

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Prof Dr Alma Džubur Kulenović,

Kosovo UN Resolution: Dr Aliriza Arënliu, 

North Macedonia: Проф. Д-р Антони Новотни, prof.novotni@gmail.comНауч. сор. Д-р Стојан Бајрактаров,

Montenegro: Prof Dr Lidija Injac Stevović, 

Serbia: Prof Dr Nađa Marić Bojović,  

UK: contact information box on DIALOG+ website


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